Nigel J
- English (native)
- German
- Dutch
- Danish
- Indonesian
- Spanish
- Italian
- Catalan
- Malay
- Norwegian
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Thai
- French
- Swedish
- Translation
Areas of specialisation
- Social Sciences & Literature
- Business & Finance
- Technical
very experienced (15 years), very fast, very accurate, very versatile (9 languages), very knowledgeable about many technical subjects
Native language: British English, equally well-versed in American English and possessing a solid mastery of written German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Danish and Catalan.
Productivity: 6,000 words/day, 42,000 words/week. (If pushed: Up to 9,000 words in one day.)
French > English €0.08/word (US$0.11½, £0.07)
German > English €0.09/word (US$0.12½, £0.08)
Dutch > English €0.09/word (US$0.12½, £0.08)
Spanish > English €0.08/word Prices converted to $ and £ may vary.
Catalan > English €0.09/word All prices are negotiable depending
Italian > English €0.08/word on project size and regularity of work.
Portuguese > English €0.08/word (European or Brazilian Portuguese)
Danish > English €0.10/word (US$0.14, £0.08½)
US English <> UK English €0.02/word (fluent in US idiom, slang, etc.)
English Editing: €0.02/word. No minimum charge. 30-day payment, cheque/bank transfer.
Doubtful about my ability to perform well in so many languages? Then feel free to send me a short test translation of no more than 500 words in any language. I don’t charge anything for a test translation.
Below are the subject areas I generally feel most comfortable with, but I’m willing to try my hand at almost any subject. The more challenging a job is, the more I’ll research it. Though a polymath, I’m especially experienced & knowledgeable in the following fields:
• information technology / Internet / computer hardware / software / telecoms
• medicine, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, biotechnology, healthcare, alternative medicine
• international/US/European patents, no matter how technically complex
• legal contracts, letters, corporation law, corporate finance, international law
• psychology / psychiatry / biopsychology (the focus of my BSc degree course)
• economics / business / finance / accounting / banking and similar fields
• science (many fields, unless the material is extremely specialized in nature)
– I take a keen interest in most aspects of science and technological subjects
• advertising / PR / marketing – I can produce professional-quality, creative and witty copywriting for corporate press releases, promotional product literature, etc.
• Buddhism and East Asian religion, philosophy, mysticism, history, culture, etc.
• health, fitness, nutrition, sports medicine, meditation, alternative therapies, etc.
• NOTE: I DO NOT do any interpreting or on-site translation work; strictly freelance.
• KEY STRENGTHS: Fast worker with versatile experience & high attention to detail.
Highly computer-literate in general, and an enthusiastic, daily user of the Internet since the Web's infancy in 1992, I’m always willing to acquire and master new software and hardware. Just don’t ask me to do any programming or Web design...
Operating System: Windows Vista Home Premium
Software: (will purchase any others on request)
Microsoft Office XP Professional 2007, Trados 7.5, Adobe Photoshop 8.0, Adobe Pagemaker 7.0, Adobe Framemaker 7.2, Adobe Illustrator 10.0, Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Professional, Quark XPress 6.1, Microsoft Proofing Tools in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan.
Notebook PC, 2.2 GHz Intel Core2 Duo with 20” screen, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB hard drive, DVD/RW drive, WiFi.
Notebook PC (backup), Pentium 4 processor, 1 GB RAM, 150 GB hard drive.
Laser printer, scanner, fax